Fake It For Friendsgiving By Serving These Restaurant Sides
You’ve been tasked with bringing a side dish to a local Friendsgiving or Thanksgiving dinner. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but it is. Maybe you don’t have time to cook because of your day job and three side gigs or maybe you’re more like Erik Repair than Eric Ripert in the kitchen.
The following restaurants offer delivery and a dish that will help you save time or save face. Simply place a few orders for the following items, transfer the take-out from plastic container to something ceramic, and head to the party where you’re bound to be popular. It’s up to your moral compass whether you take credit for the dish or give a proper hat-tip to the restaurant. Read more.
How to Host a San Francisco Friends-giving
One of the common downfalls of living in San Francisco? Not having enough money to go home for the holidays. Or maybe you’ve had it with your conservative right-wing family and faked not being able to afford a ticket. Understandable. If none of this rings true for you, cheers to you and your Hallmark-card family. But if it does, and if you’ve opted to stay in town for the holidays, you might be open to the suggestion of Friendsgiving, an age-old tradition of gathering with people you care about and giving thanks with a hip name that can make even the loneliest Millennial feel the love. If you’re hosting your friends this holiday season, here’s a guide on how to host the ideal Friendsgiving feast. Read more.
College kitchen: Friendsgiving
If you’re stuck on campus this Thanksgiving or you’re looking to host a Friendsgiving, you might be wondering how to serve a traditional turkey, stuffing and gravy this weekend. But, if you’re cooking in a small kitchen or only have a couple hours to put your meal together, traditional Thanksgiving courses can be tricky to prepare. A&E put together three recipes inspired by fall flavors to make your Thanksgiving preparations easier and your menu more exciting. Read more.
10 Simply Chic Gifts Your Friendsgiving Host Will Actually Get Excited About
Tis the week of Thanksgiving, and before heading out to spend QT with family, you may find yourself squeezing in every ounce of time for those other special ones in your life… your friends. Whether it’s your bestie, roommate, or coworker, taking on the weight off a Friendsgiving host shouldn’t feel like a chore. To show your appreciation for their friendship and guts to take on this such a huge feat, it’s nice to come with a small token in hand. Read more.
How to Stage the Ultimate Friendsgiving
Friendsgiving is like the greatest one-day staycation imaginable. You don’t have to wrestle through airport crowds (or train or highway ones), you handpick the guest list, and the day is pretty much whatever you want it to be—with extreme R n R coming in at No. 1 on the call sheet, followed by great friends, delicious food, and tasty adult beverages. It’s quite possibly the most satisfactory day on the entire calendar. Read more.
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